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Maria 2024.09.01/17:26:09
Dear Erik,

The pleasure is truly mine. The support and encouragement we share are mutual, and I’m deeply grateful for every class where you generously share your intelligence and wisdom. Without you realizing it, you fill my mind with positivity and valuable insights. As I listen to you, I also learn profound lessons about life, thinking, and navigating society. The English language is just a tool for communication, but through our video sessions, I’ve gained so much from your non-verbal cues, which have enhanced my understanding of adult and professional learners and helped me become more strategic in coaching students.

There’s so much I could share with the world, but I want to start by saying how proud I am of you. You are bold and intelligent, and it shows in both your speech and writing. It has been a privilege to be part of your career journey, and I sincerely hope you achieve all your goals and aspirations. I look forward to our morning exchanges, where we compare notes and learn together.

Wishing you all the best,
