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Jessica 2017.01.04/11:42:51
저도 gracey 샘과 수업한지 이틀뿐이지만 말씀하신 바에 공감해요.
Gracey 2017.01.05/12:38:37
Hi Katy,
Thank you so much. You have touched my heart up to its innermost. I've been busy and I missed your diary. And I know you've been checking on it. I'm done with it. After reading your plans for 2017, I really hope that you will pursue your dream. As what many successful people say, "Dream High." c",) Let me encourage you more to keep on writing and I won't get tired of replying to you back.
I hope I made you smile as you read my reply.
-T. Gracey
Janet 2017.01.26/08:19:29
안녕하세요. 저도 이 선생님이 젤 맘에 들어요. 하신 말씀들 모두 공감입니다. 덕분에 영어 공부 계속 하게 되는거 같아요
관리자 2017.02.02/14:23:42
축하드립니다. 1월 완소 후기로 선정되셨습니다^^
Katy님께 5,000점 적립금이 지급되었습니다. 감사합니다.