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Jayson 2017.03.14/23:59:04
I so appreciate the words the you have given towards me Min. I told you I could understand Korean. Hahah
kidding! Thanks to Mr. Google.
Anyway, I translated all the things here and it made me remember the fun classes that we had. I honestly feel
that something is missing. It`s you. I miss your giggle, your laugh with my jokes. I am looking forward to meet you again. I just hope that even on your
busy days, you wouldn't forget the things that we learned together. Stay positive at all times Min.
Min 2017.03.15/23:11:49
Thank you for your reply.:D Actually my school life's been getting tough and stressful so I've been depressed nowadays, but your words lift me up. Thanks alot! Hope you have nice days. Take care!
관리자 2017.04.04/17:48:32
축하드립니다. 3월 베스트 후기로 선정되셨습니다^^
Min님께 20,000점 적립금이 지급되었습니다. 감사합니다.
Min 2017.04.04/21:10:12
오 감사합니다!!^^